Gracie Bon

Gracie Bon Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Gracie Bon is a famous model from Panama City who has made a name for herself in the fashion industry and on social media. She was born in 1994 and is now 30 years old. Gracie has captured the hearts of many with her stunning looks and confident attitude, breaking barriers and stereotypes in the modelling world as a plus-size model. She is net worth (approx.) $4 million.

Her career has flourished, with collaborations with top brands and appearances in magazines and runways. Despite her busy schedule, Gracie always prioritizes her family, who have been her biggest supporters since the beginning. With a stunning appearance, standing at 5 feet 6 inches and weighing 95 kilograms.


Category Details
Full Name Gracie Bon
Birthplace Panama City, Panama
Birth Year 1994
Age 30 years old
Height 5 feet 6 inches
Weight 95 kilograms
Occupation Plus-size model
Career Highlights – Collaborated with top fashion brands<br>- Featured in magazines and on runways<br>- Advocates for body positivity and inclusivity in fashion
Net Worth Approximately $4 million
Family – Loving parents and siblings in Panama City<br>- Close-knit relationship, supportive of her career
Romantic Life Keeps private, focusing on family and career
Social Media – Active presence with over a million followers<br>- Shares fashion tips, personal insights, and messages of self-love and empowerment
Hobbies – Painting with bright colors<br>- Cooking international recipes<br>- Reading adventure stories<br>- Spending time with family and friends
Favorites – Ice cream (especially chocolate)<br>- Beach days<br>- Dancing to music<br>- Movies that inspire laughter and adventure
Philanthropy – Advocates for self-esteem and confidence among youth<br>- Supports initiatives promoting diversity in fashion
Future Goals – Expand collaborations with fashion brands<br>- Continue advocating for body positivity and inclusivity<br>- Inspire others to embrace uniqueness
Interesting Facts – Has pets: a cat named Sprinkles and a dog named Marshmallow<br>- Secret talent: singing<br>- Enjoys collecting hats, especially with unique stories

Who is Gracie Bon?

Gracie Bon is a special lady from Panama City known for being a plus-size model. This means she shows off clothes for a bit bigger people, and she does it with a lot of style! Gracie was born in 1994, which makes her 30 years old. She’s not just any model; she’s one that many people look up to because she teaches us that beauty comes in all sizes.

Besides modelling, Gracie loves to share her life and fashion tips on the internet, where she has many friends and fans. She is like a superhero in the fashion world, always ready to show everyone how to be confident and happy with who they are.

Gracie Bon Early Life and Education

Gracie Bon grew up in Panama City, which was filled with bright colors and sunshine. As a little girl, she loved dressing up and showing off her outfits, just like today! Gracie went to school like all kids, where she learned to read, write, and make many friends. She always had a big smile and loved art classes the most because she could be super creative.

Gracie’s teachers and classmates always said she was kind and shared her snacks during lunch. Even as a kid, Gracie knew she wanted to do something where she could help people feel happy about themselves. That’s why she decided to become a model, to show everyone that being yourself is the best way to be.

Gracie Bon

Gracie Bon Parents and Siblings

Gracie Bon has a loving family who cheers her on in everything she does. She has a mom and a dad who always told her she could be anything she wanted. Gracie also has siblings – brothers and sisters who play with her, share secrets, and sometimes even borrow her clothes without asking.

Her family lives in Panama City, where they all enjoy spending time together, whether having a meal or just sitting and talking about their day. Gracie’s family is essential to her; she loves them very much. They’re a big part of why she smiles so much and feels brave enough to follow her dreams.

Gracie Bon Husband and Boyfriend

Gracie Bon keeps her heart like a secret treasure chest. She believes some stories are like precious pearls, meant to be kept safe and sometimes away from the spotlight. Whether Gracie has a special someone who holds the key to her heart or if she’s sailing the sea of life solo, she prefers to keep that part of her map hidden.

We know that Gracie fills her days with love from her family, friends, and the many people who admire her from afar. Her journey is about spreading happiness and showing that love comes in all forms, like beauty. So, while we may be curious, Gracie teaches us that some treasures are discovered in their own perfect time.

Gracie Bon Age, Weight, Height, and Physical appearance

Gracie Bon is like a shining star in the world of fashion. She’s 30 years old, which means she’s been around the sun 30 times! Gracie is tall, standing proud and strong, showing everyone that beauty isn’t just one size. She has a big, bright smile that lights up any room, and her hair flows like the waves in the ocean.

Gracie’s eyes sparkle like the stars in the night sky, and she wears clothes that make her feel like a superhero. She teaches us that it’s super cool to be yourself and that everyone is beautiful in their unique way. With a stunning appearance, standing at 5 feet 6 inches and weighing 95 kilograms.

Gracie BonBefore Fame

 Gracie Bon became a star in the fashion sky, she was a little girl living in Panama City. Her love for dressing up and playing with colors started when she was young. Gracie wasn’t just any kid; she had a bigger dream than she was. She wanted to show the world that being different is excellent and that everyone is beautiful in their way.

Gracie often put on fashion shows for her family, wearing her brightest smile and outfits. These shows weren’t just for fun; they were the first steps toward her dream. Gracie believed in herself, which helped her sparkle even before she became famous.

Gracie Bon


Gracie Bon’s journey in the fashion world is like a fairy tale. She started as a young girl dreaming of showing everyone that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Gracie worked hard, and her dreams began to sparkle like stars. She became a famous plus-size model, which means she models clothes that are comfy for people who aren’t skinny.

Gracie has worked with big names in fashion, wearing beautiful dresses and outfits for everyone to see. She’s also been in magazines where she smiles brightly, making people feel happy and confident. Gracie’s job is important because she helps everyone understand that being yourself is the best fashion statement. Her career is about spreading joy and teaching the world about uniqueness’s beauty.

Net Worth and Achievements

Gracie Bon has done some incredible things in her career! She has made a lot of money because she’s worked with some substantial clothing brands. Think about your favorite superhero – they save the day and get medals. Gracie has her kind of medals. She’s been in magazines where many people can see her smiling face, and she’s walked on runways like princesses walk in their castles.

She is net worth (approx.) $4 million. She shows everyone that being true to yourself is fantastic, and because of that, lots of people clap and cheer for her, just like they would for a superhero or a princess. Gracie’s achievements are like her superpowers, making her a hero in the fashion world!

Future Plains

Gracie Bon has big dreams for the future, like a superhero planning her next adventure. She wants to work with even more fashion brands, showing clothes that make everyone feel special. Gracie dreams of travelling to new places, meeting fans, and sharing her message of love and confidence.

She also wants to help kids learn to love themselves just as they are. Imagine Gracie, like a teacher, but instead of teaching math, she teaches happiness and self-love. Gracie’s future is bright, like the sun, full of hope and new stories to tell. She believes that the best is yet to come, and she can’t wait to see what adventures await.

Social Media Presence

Gracie Bon is like a shining star on the internet, too! She loves to share pictures and stories on websites where people can see what she’s up to. It’s like having a magical diary into which the whole world can peek. Gracie posts about her outfits, the places she visits, and the yummy foods she eats.

She also shares little advice on being happy with who you are, just like how a friend might whisper a secret that makes you smile. Many people follow Gracie online because her posts are like rays of sunshine, making everyone’s day a little brighter. She’s not just a model; she’s like a friend you can visit online anytime you need a bit of cheer!


Painting: Gracie loves to paint. She uses bright colours to make pictures of flowers, animals, and sometimes even fashion designs! Painting helps her relax and express her feelings without using words.

Cooking: She enjoys cooking delicious meals. Gracie likes trying new recipes from different countries and adding her special touch to make them even tastier.

Reading: Gracie is a big fan of reading. She loves adventure stories where the heroes go on exciting journeys and discover new worlds.

Spending Time with Family and Friends: For Gracie, playing games, laughing, and having fun with her loved ones is very important. They have movie nights, go to the park, and enjoy picnics together. 

Favorite Things

Ice Cream: Gracie adores ice cream, especially when it’s chocolate-flavoured! She thinks it’s like a scoop of joy.

Beach Days: She loves going to the beach, feeling the sand between her toes, and listening to the waves. It’s her happy place.

Dancing: Gracie can’t help but dance when music plays. She says it’s like the music takes her on a fun adventure.

Movies: Gracie enjoys watching movies that make her laugh or feel like she’s on an exciting journey with the characters.

Stars: Looking at the stars in the sky at night makes Gracie dream big. She loves imagining all the possibilities up there. These things make Gracie’s world sparkle and shine like she does!

Interesting Facts About

  •  Gracie Bon loves animals! She has a fluffy cat named Sprinkles and a playful dog named Marshmallow. They’re her furry best friends. 
  • She has a secret talent: Gracie can sing! She enjoys singing happy songs that make everyone around her smile. 
  • Gracie has an extensive collection of hats. She has all kinds, from sparkly to big, floppy sun hats. She says each hat tells a different story.
  • One of her favorite holidays is Halloween. Gracie loves dressing up in fun costumes and seeing all the creative outfits people create.
  • Gracie once helped plant a garden full of flowers and vegetables. She believes in taking care of the Earth and loves seeing things grow. 
  • She’s a fan of comic books. Gracie loves stories about superheroes because they teach her that anyone can be a hero. 
  • Gracie’s favorite color is purple. She says it reminds her of magic and dreams; you’ll often find her wearing something purple.


How old is Gracie?

Gracie is 30 years old, like a superhero in her prime.

Where is Gracie from?

She’s from Panama City, a place full of sunshine and smiles.

What does Gracie do?

Gracie is a plus-size model. She shows off clothes and teaches us that beauty is for everyone.

Does Gracie have pets?

Yes! Gracie has a fluffy cat named Sprinkles and a playful dog named Marshmallow.

What are Gracie’s hobbies?

Gracie loves painting, cooking yummy food, reading exciting stories, and having fun with her family and friends. 

What’s Gracie’s favorite ice cream?

Chocolate! She thinks it’s like a scoop of joy. Remember, Gracie teaches us to be happy with who we are and to spread love and smiles everywhere we go!


Gracie Bon is like a bright, shining light in the fashion world. She teaches us that it’s cool to be ourselves and that happiness and love are the most beautiful things we can wear. From her fun adventures on social media to her exciting career, Gracie shares a world where everyone is unique in their own way.

Remember, just like Gracie, you’re a superstar, no matter your size, where you come from, or what you dream of becoming. Let’s carry Gracie’s message: spread joy, be proud of who you are, and always smile. Gracie Bon’s story isn’t just about fashion; it’s a reminder that the biggest adventures start with loving ourselves and sharing that love with others.

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